Live better, longer
Blue Zones Project® encourages changes in our community that lead to healthier options. When our entire community participates—from our worksites and schools to our restaurants and grocery stores—the small changes contribute to huge benefits for all of us: lowered healthcare costs, improved productivity, and ultimately, a higher quality of life.
It Only Takes
Blue Zones Project Parkland-Spanaway is here to support you on your well-being journey. Improving personal health and the health of our community doesn’t have to be hard. Small adjustments to daily habits and positive shifts to our physical environment can lead to significant improvements to our health longterm. Join us as we focus this quarter on the power of connections. Read on to learn how relationships with family and friends, and even our spiritual practices can extend our longevity and improve our well-being.

It Only Takes
Finding Your People
Discover how surrounding yourself with the right people is one of the 9 ways to live healthier.
Our connections to friends and those around us have the ability to shape our lives in more ways than we realize. Research shows that even your friends’ friends —people you don’t even know—have the ability to affect your health, happiness, and behaviors. That’s why nurturing friendships with positive and loyal people can play a powerful part in adding years to your life.

It Only Takes
Did you know participating in a spiritual community is good for you? In fact, attending a faith-based service of your choice four times a month can add up to 14 years to your lifespan! Blue Zones® researchers discovered that people who are the healthiest and live the longest all seem to have a strong sense of belonging and purpose.
It’s so important that it’s a Power 9® principle -one of nine healthy lifestyle habits shared by the people in the five original Blue Zones. For many, a sense of belonging comes from spiritual or religious practice, but find what works best for you. Whether it’s attending weekly services or connecting with others who share similar beliefs, believing in a power greater than our own can help reduce stress and add to our longevity.

It Only Takes
Putting Loved Ones First
Happy, healthy centenarians in the Blue Zones areas put their families first. This can take shape in many ways, from nurturing relationships with parents, grandparents, and children, to being in a positive, committed relationship. No matter how you choose to do it, investing time with family and close friends can help add up to 6 years to your life.

Discovering the blue zones
It all began with the original five blue zones—Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece; and Loma Linda, California. In these regions, people not only regularly live into the triple digits, they thrive. At advanced ages, their bodies are still healthy and their minds are still sharp. Dan Buettner and his team of researchers were eventually able to pinpoint commonalities in things residents of these places do that result in living long, happy lives. The blue zones hold many longevity secrets, and there’s a lot we can learn from the residents of these special places.
Live the Power 9
Researchers found that despite being located in vastly different parts of the world, blue zones residents share nine specific traits that can lead to longer, healthier, happier lives. We call these the Power 9®.

Stay connected with community opportunities
If you are interested in living longer and creating a healthier community, sign up to learn more about Blue Zones Project – Parkland-Spanaway opportunties.
We develop deep relationships with a broad array of organizations in a community to help make healthy choices become easy choices in all of the places where people live, work, learn, and play.
Get your organization involved
Connect your worksite, school, restaurant, grocery store, faith-based, or other organization to the community and elevate its well-being. Where we choose to live, work, learn, and play all influence the lifestyle choices we make. Blue Zones Project programs are designed to inspire, encourage, and promote well-being within your organization so your employees, members, and customers are more socially connected and equipped to positively impact one another and the entire community.